Last date of Application is:   31/08/2024

Important Instructions Before Filling Applications

  • Registration is mandatory for e-filling up the form. [Click here to register].
  • Use user id and Password to login.
  • The basic details cannot be modified after filling the first application. A user can apply for multiple applications as per their eligibility criterian.
  • Only eligible candidates as per guidlines/advertisement should fill up the form.
  • After filling up application form click on submit button to save your application as Draft.
      • > You may print the application form as draft.
      • > Verify your entries before submitting finally, No modification can be made after final submission.
      • > Application ID will be generated after final submission.
      • > Only finally submitted application will be considered.
  • Print a copy of finally submitted application form.
    • Before uploading photo and signature be sure that.
    • > Photo size should be less than 50 kb. (Preferred dimension : 200 x 230 px).
    • > Signature size should be less than 20 kb. (Preferred dimension : 140 x 60 px).
    • Filling the application form will consist of following subsequent steps:-
    • > Step 1:- Registration
    • > Step 2:- Personel Details
    • > Step 3:- Educational Qualification
    • > Step 4:- Upload Photo & Signature
    • > Step 5:- Upload Documents
    • > Step 6:- Finalise and submit application